Shipping - Printing - Business Services and Mailbox Rentals

Robson Print and Ship

1771 Robson Street

Vancouver B.C.
V6G 1C9
Tel: (604) 681-6562
Fax: (604) 681-5165
E-mail: [email protected]

And More!

The Mail Room offers diverse services at customer’s request; i.e. collection of information, mailing news-papers etc., various payments of services or bills, research work, with rates depending on time and effort required. We welcome all inquiries.

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R E-MAILING means: You send us all your sealed mail in one large envelope. We’ll affix postage, if necessary, and mail the individual letters for you – now with a Vancouver, BC postmark or courier waybill. The return address on the envelope or waybill will be your address at 1771 Robson Street.

Example: you want someone to think YOU MAILED IT FROM VANCOUVER . It is necessary to rent a mail box to make use of this service. Rates are quoted individually. A cash deposit must be on hand at all times.

MAIL FORWARDING (MFS) means: Having your mail, which has arrived at our address, in your name, re-packaged, or placed in a new envelope and mailed to an address of your choice. Example: You want someone to think you live in Vancouver. This service is available only to Mail Room box holders. Mail Forwarding may be arranged to occur automatically at regular intervals, on specific dates or upon request. Rates are quoted accordingly. A cash deposit must be on hand at all times. We guarantee efficient, dependable and confidential service.
The Mail Room offers its facilities to the dispatch and pick-up of deliveries by courier – for local, national and international delivery. This service may also be used for Mail Forwarding. Rates individually quoted. A cash deposit must be on hand at all times.
Printing Services – for businesses and individuals.
The Mail Room prints everything: business cards, flyers, banner, booklets, greeting cards, sandwich boards, cut viny, and canvas print
Fax Service
The Mail Room offers instant local, Canada and world-wide confidential fax service starting at $1.00 / page.
Typing / Word Processing / Desktop Publishing
Quick turn-around, good quality, and technical skills are the fundamentals to this service. Fax your hand-written draft and receive the finished document by courier, fax, or e-mail. Our specialties: Contracts, Proposals, Reports, Testaments, Affidavits, Logo Design, Letterheads, Business Cards, Flyers, Newsletters, brochures, Design of Web Pages, Books, Biographies, etc. – Rates individually quoted.